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Upcoming Activities

Happenings you shouldn't miss in the weeks ahead.


 22/ and 26 2020

2020 .

Our Awesome Event for children

First activity Theme/Tematica: Dinner and Toys distribution to give Love, joy, hope,  and fun to children from the age of 5 to 15 living in  San Jose  Costa Rica in December 22/2020

Second activity en Dominican Republic  in Sancristobal a province in the southern, of the capital especially at the District Municipal Dona Ana diner spectacle and gift distributions for children of the age of 5 to 15. December 26 /2020

Cena espectacular y distribución de regalos para dar Amor, alegría, esperanza y diversión a niños de 5 anos  a 15  que viven en San Jose en Costa Rica December 18  and december 25 /2021 in Jamaica .



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